Top New Year’s Resolutions for You!

The start of every New Year gives us an amazing opportunity to recharge our batteries. We can begin something in earnest we’ve been putting off! It may be following through on a new idea or quitting a bad habit. And while most people may never live up to their New Year’s resolutions, they still provide a fresh opportunity to make a positive change in our lives.

Do these New Year’s Resolutions sound familiar?

  • I’m going to get in better shape
  • I will eat healthier
  • I’ll spend more time with my family
  • I’m going to finally stop smoking
  • I’ll get organized
  • I’m going to volunteer or give to charity
  • I’m going to find a better job or start a new business

For many, these seven resolutions are repeated year in and year out. And most of the time they are abandoned well before they’ve materialized. It’s not because you don’t want them to happen, it’s just that things tend to get in the way. And nothing gets in the way more than having debt.

If you’re burdened with bills, you may not have the time to exercise, volunteer or spend time with your family because of the need to work more hours and make more money. If your finances have you stressed and in a mental straightjacket, you’d probably find yourself smoking and eating unhealthy food more and more often. And if your debt load is too high and you owe back taxes to the state or to the IRS, you could probably forget about opening your own business and being your own boss. Moreso than any other debt, tax debt can grow incredibly quickly, sometimes tripling the original amount owed, and if left unpaid wages can be garnished and bank accounts frozen to pay off the obligation. Definitely not a good start to the year!

What resolution will you make this year?

This year, make a resolution that really counts and commit to resolving your tax debt. Promise yourself you won’t throw more money down the drain on needless IRS penalties and interest, and that you will invest that money somewhere else. A new car? A new business? The options are endless once you take control of your financial future. And that’s one New Year’s resolution we’re happy to help you with.

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