

Revenue Officers

Category: Revenue Officers

How to Survive a Business Tax Audit
As a business owner, you put in hard work year round for your business. Growth, innovation, team building, and a commitment to your customers don’t just spring out of nowhere. They take time, dedication, and a willingness to put everything you have...
IRS Audits: What You Need to Know
As a full service tax resolution firm, we’ve seen and defended more than our fair share of IRS audits since we opened up our doors. But after thousands and thousands of tax audits, we know that your first tax audit is going to be scary. There’s n...
Meet the IRS: What Is a Criminal Investigation Special Agent?
You’ve never met a criminal investigation special agent before. But believe it or not, you actually interact with the IRS quite frequently. You may always be interacting with them directly, but you’re nearly always engaging with the IRS in so...
Meet the IRS: What Is a Revenue Officer?
Even if you’ve never met a revenue officer, if you’ve ever struggled with a serious tax issue, you’re more than likely no stranger to the IRS. Depending on the amount of money you owe the IRS, you’ve probably received your fair share of l...
Meet the IRS: What Is a Revenue Agent?
The IRS makes for a pretty disappointing pen pal. If you’ve ever dealt with them, you know what we’re talking about. When you’re struggling with a major tax debt, an audit defense, or an IRS wage garnishment or tax levy, most communication with...
What to Do When Your Return Is Rejected
Filing your taxes can be a huge undertaking, even if your financial situation hasn’t changed much since last year. So submitting or mailing is often quite the stress relief. But what happens if the IRS rejects your return? And why does it get rejec...
How to Protect Yourself from Tax Identity Theft
During tax season, consumers must be extra vigilant with their personal information. Each year the IRS compiles a “Dirty Dozen” list detailing the most common tax scams of the year. Identity theft continues to make the list year after yea...
Rent or Buy? The New Tax Plan Changes Things
When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in December, much of the analysis and concern surrounded the large tax cuts to the wealthy and the small cuts to the middle and lower class. However, the tax plan will change more than your paycheck and how you f...
Don’t Miss These Upcoming IRS Deadlines
Google, Outlook, or a tried and true notepad? Whatever your preference, mark your calendars with these important tax dates. Keeping track (or failing to) can lead to a bigger refund or higher taxes! The important IRS deadlines kick off just this week...
Making Federal Tax Payments: What You Should Know
Working for yourself comes with the benefit being flexible to make your own schedule. However, it also comes with the responsibility of paying your own federal taxes. As an employee, you can expect to pay your federal taxes at the end of the tax year...
Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.