

Business and Taxes

Owning a business is a mainstay of the American Dream, but dealing with the taxes can be a hassle—to say the least. Learn how to improve and manage your business and its taxes through some of the best tax writing on the subject! From payroll taxes to sole proprietorship, we’ve collected everything you could possibly want to know about dealing with your business’s taxes in one place. Of course, don’t leave any stone unturned or question unanswered! Get your most complicated questions about business and taxes handled today by contacting our expert tax specialists through our live chat feature, located to the bottom right of your screen – or by clicking here.

Category: Business and Taxes

How to Survive a Business Tax Audit
As a business owner, you put in hard work year round for your business. Growth, innovation, team building, and a commitment to your customers don’t just spring out of nowhere. They take time, dedication, and a willingness to put everything you have...
How Joe Biden’s Tax Plans May Affect You
Aren’t you glad the election is over? We’re not here to get political. But we think it’s a pretty bipartisan opinion to state we’re glad the election is over. After such a tumultuous election season, it seemed that the news cycle kept demonst...
An Expert’s Guide to Organizing Your Tax Documents
As the clock ticks closer and closer to the New Year, it’s time to start looking back at the year (nearly) past. We’re not talking about your habits, your hobbies, or your goals! We’re a tax resolution firm, so we’re experts in tax relief, IR...
End-of-Year Tax Checklist for Business Tax Returns
It takes most people until Thanksgiving (or later!) to realize what many business owners typically think about starting in October: The end of the year is nigh. Are you ready for a tax checklist? Yes, the end of the year is just over a month away. At...
Meet the IRS: What Is a Revenue Officer?
Even if you’ve never met a revenue officer, if you’ve ever struggled with a serious tax issue, you’re more than likely no stranger to the IRS. Depending on the amount of money you owe the IRS, you’ve probably received your fair share of l...
How to Qualify for a First Time Abatement
Best laid plans, right? After nearly two decades working with taxpayers from all walks of life to resolve their tax issues with the IRS, we’ve learned with no uncertainty that even the most punctual, organized person can miss a tax deadline or forg...
Which Business Expenses from My Holiday Party Can I Deduct?
As the year winds down, the holiday parties wind up—and 2019 will be here before you know it. As the holiday season comes and goes, corporate America goes wild throwing events and racking up plenty of business expenses. Yours may have hosted a Chri...
Trump’s Tax Cuts Explained: What is a Pass-Through Business?
Just like any other piece of legislation passed by Congress, you can expect it to take some time for the fine details of the bill to be completely laid out. But if you were wondering when the dust would settle on 2017’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the T...
Are You Going to Get Hit By a Surprise Tax Bill This Year?
Even if you’ve worked to get your taxes just right in previous years, changes in the tax law could mean big changes in what you owe. That may hold true even if your job and personal situation haven’t changed. That could mean a surprise ta...
How to Prep for Next Year Now – It’s More Than Saving Receipts
2018 is half over – are you thinking about next year’s filing? Well, you should be. You already know that most of the hassle is often due to time spent gathering documents, scratching your head to remember deductions, and other administrative pap...
Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.