Casey Anthony Escapes Jail, Not Tax Fines

Casey Anthony may have been acquitted for the murder of her 2-year old daughter, Caylee. But Florida prosecutors are still trying to make her pay.

Prosecutors Go After Accused Mom to Pay Case Costs

It’s not in jail time, but state prosecutors are looking to make the 25-year old female-in-hiding pay back local law enforcement agencies for the costs of her trial and the search for Caylee after she went missing. It occurred shortly after her early-July acquittal sent shockwaves across the United States. Officials served Anthony with a Motion to Tax Special Costs of Investigation and Prosecution and to Reserve Jurisdiction.

While the name sounds complicated, Florida prosecutors are citing a specific section of state law. It forces convicted people to reimburse law enforcement agencies for the costs of prosecuting and investigating their cases. They initially convicted Casey of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. A judge will determine the total she owes, but taxpayers footed nearly $520,000 for these costs alone.

Tax Lessons to Learn from Casey Anthony

If this legal tactic seems familiar, it’s because it’s similar to those that attorneys with the Internal Revenue Service pursue on delinquent taxpayers. They commonly employ this tactic, but it remains a frightening legal situation to find yourself in.

You may not be the defendant in a murder trial, but the IRS will go after your assets the same way Florida officials are going after Casey Anthony’s if you owe back taxes. Our advice? Contact a tax attorney and bite back.

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