
Search Results for: offer in compromise

IRS Audits: What You Need to Know
As a full service tax resolution firm, we’ve seen and defended more than our fair share of IRS audits since we opened up our doors. But after thousands and thousands of tax audits, we know that your first tax audit is going to be scary. There’s n...
How Much Do Tax Relief Companies Cost?
If you’ve got tax debt, you’ve probably wondered, How much do tax relief companies cost? Well, you’ve come to the right place. You may have been struggling with your tax debt for months or years, or maybe you just got your first letter fr...
The Taxpayer First Act, Explained
Ever heard of the Taxpayer First Act? We bet that at some point or another, you’ve heard of it; maybe it was mentioned on the nightly news, covered in-depth on the radio, or mentioned in the newspaper. However, there’s a good chance you haven’t...
Get to Know: Voluntary Disclosure Practice
It’s not too late. We promise. We know that may be hard to buy at first, because when you’re on the wrong side of tax law—through tax evasion or tax fraud—it can seem like there’s no way out. We’re just here to tell you that it’s tr...
How to Qualify for a First Time Abatement
Best laid plans, right? After nearly two decades working with taxpayers from all walks of life to resolve their tax issues with the IRS, we’ve learned with no uncertainty that even the most punctual, organized person can miss a tax deadline or forg...
How to Deal with an IRS Revenue Officer
When you owe money to the IRS, you may have an IRS revenue officer (RO) assigned to your case. Your case will first be assessed by an IRS revenue agent and then escalated to a revenue officer if it is felt your case requires further attention. IRS re...
Offshore Banking
Avoid Penalties & Prosecution. Disclose Offshore Foreign Banking w/OVDP (formerly OVDI) and Get Compliant Today! Hoping to repeat the success of the 2009 and 2011 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiatives (OVDI) that has raised nearly $4.4 billio...
Nicolas Cage Makes Big Dent in IRS Tax Bill
Known for his storied movie career and problems with the IRS, actor Nicolas Cage made a sizable dent in his total IRS tax debt and is just a few million dollars from financial freedom. Nicolas Cage Removes $6.2 Million IRS Lien, But Still Owes Cage r...
Golden State Suffers $10 Billion Tax Gap
In the Golden State, things are looking less golden for Sacramento’s bean counters. The chief researcher for California’s tax agency told his supervising board that the state loses out on $10 billion every year at a time when the state is making ...
Determining Whether Your Canceled Debt is Taxable
Sometimes we get lucky and that big balance we owe is written off by a forgiving creditor. Or, possibly, waived through a sophisticated legal process with the help of a tax attorney. Now you have canceled debt. Canceled Debt: Is It Taxable? But when ...
Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.