
Personal & Business

Tax Relief Services

We can help you:

File Tax Returns

If you have years of un-filed tax returns, accurately preparing them can dramatically reduce your tax debt!

Every wage earner and business must file a tax return. When you haven’t filed a tax return in more than three years and owe back taxes, the IRS can file criminal charges against you and proceed directly to collection action. While this type of enforcement is rare, it is a pointed reminder that filing tax returns is everyone’s obligation and unreported income will be severely punished.

If you have years of un-filed tax returns or IRS back taxes, it’s important to get current. Being timely with your filings is one of the most important and overlooked aspects of tax debt as well as the associated penalties and interest that accrue on back taxes.

Our year-over-year preparation services include:

  • Individual income tax returns
  • Corporation income tax returns
  • Partnership income tax returns
  • State income tax returns
  • FBAR tax returns
  • Gift tax returns

While some clients have simple returns that need to be filed, others incur massive liabilities due to complex return issues. Our tax professionals can prepare most types of tax returns quickly and accurately, and can maintain your account with our year-over-year tax planning and preparation service to safeguard you against further liability issues.

When you don’t file your tax return, more often than not you are giving the IRS more money than you need to!

Many taxpayers will accumulate tax debt at an alarming rate when their returns are not filed because the IRS submits the return for them on their behalf, commonly referred to as an SFR (Substitute for Return). This is the worst form of taxation as it allows for zero deductions and maximizes the IRS’s revenue. We have found that the majority of our clients have delinquent returns contributing to their tax debt!

This is a common mistake we see all too often. Millions of taxpayers put their heads in the sand when it comes to filing returns or dealing with back taxes, because the process can be complicated and tedious. Taxpayers wrongly assume that if taxes were properly withheld through payroll or claimed through vendors, then filing a return is redundant and unnecessary. This is a very costly mistake, and is one that leads to an estimated billions of dollars annually in tax debt.

We can prepare your old tax returns as well as maintain your returns year over year.

Filing your tax return can be one of the best insurance policies against tax debt that you can have. If done correctly, the process is fairly straightforward and easy to maintain year over year. The modest investment to have a professional accurately prepare your returns for you can more than make up for itself in the long run, as it can guard against penalties and interest and create the most favorable tax refund (if any) possible. We have found that many times, when we file a client’s overdue tax returns, we can reduce the amount of assessed tax debt, and in some cases, generate a refund.

Get your tax returns filed!

The first step towards successful resolution is to acknowledge that your tax debt and un-filed tax returns won’t go away on their own and to seek professional assistance. Our firm of tax relief attorneys and tax relief professionals has helped thousands of individuals and businesses just like you stop forced collections and finally resolve their tax debt.

Call 888-978-6747 or Click HERE!

Our tax relief professionals will take the time to discuss your issue free of charge, and help map out the best solution moving forward. Rest assured, all information is confidential, and nothing will be shared.

We understand that you have many options when it comes to choosing the right tax relief firm, and we welcome the opportunity to help you patiently through this process and bring closure to this important financial consideration.

Don't tackle the IRS alone. We can help.